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Tony Stoltzfus

How to Read the Bible Like a Human Being | Workbook Five: Mark 5:21 - 6:13

How to Read the Bible Like a Human Being | Workbook Five: Mark 5:21 - 6:13

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Get out of the rut and make your small group Bible studies come alive, by using the other half of your brain! How to Read the Bible Like a Human Being is a visual storyteller’s look at the New Testament, leaving the well-worn paths of studying principles and building head-knowledge to activate your heart instead. Volume Five covers Mark 5:21 to 6:13, and includes participant materials for twelve weeks of study on four passages:

  • The Woman with the Flow of Blood: discover why she had a panic attack when she got caught, and how in just a few words Jesus not only healed her body, but healed her emotionally and socially as well.
  • Healing Jairus’ Daughter: What’s going on in Jairus’ heart when instead of healing his dying daughter, Jesus stops on the way to purify a woman Jairus himself rejected a dozen years before?
  • The 2nd Rejection at Nazareth: After seventeen years of waiting, Jesus comes home to heal the people he knows and loves the best--but to his grief and disappointment, they won’t let him!
  • The Sending of the Twelve: After only six months on the job, Jesus sends a dozen young farmers and fishermen (all in their teens and early twenties) out on their own. What was going on in their emotions the first time they stood up to preach?

What Makes This Different
The product of three years of research into first-century life and culture, these studies build rich, visual pictures of each story in the Gospel of Mark. The focus is not on what you should believe and how you should behave, but on visualizing the scene, feeling what the characters felt, and actually meeting Jesus in his own world. Its a very different experience to study to simply know Jesus the person.

And you won’t just sit and listen to a talking head! These small-group studies are completely discussion-based, using incisive questions drawing on everyone’s real life experiences to identify with what Jesus, his disciples and the crowds are thinking and feeling. Along with the companion Leader’s Guide, each of the four studies in this Participant Workbook provide:

  • Setting Videos: Shot on location in Israel, these short videos show the setting where the story actually happened, so you can see it in your mind (accessed from the Leader’s Guide).
  • Background Information: Learn fascinating cultural details from Jesus’ day that influence how you read the story.
  • Free Texting App: You’ll get one short text each weekday with one cool fact about the passage to help you keep your head in the game during the week.
  • Questions for Jesus about the passage you can ask during your devotions that week.
  • Research Links you can follow to explore the background of the passage on your own.

About the Author
Tony Stoltzfus has decades of ministry experiences, including 25 years training professional Christian coaches on how to ask great questions like the one’s these materials are based on. He’s the author of 20 books, has founded several leadership- and missions organizations, and coached hundreds of pastors and para-church leaders. He and his wife Kathy have been married for 35 years and have two adult children.