Presenter's Package with PowerPoints and Promotional Materials--Electronic Download
Workshop Details
The workshop is designed around eight interactive sessions, designed to be done in teams of four. Putting people in teams around a table facilitates sharing and gets everyone to engage what is happening. Brief input segments are followed by repeated chances for participants to actually pray and see results immediately. Participants will ask Jesus 15-20 intimate questions during the workshop, and journal or share with teammates after each one.
Open Source Format
These Open Source materials can be used to train people in your organization without paying any further royalties beyond the price of the Presenter's Package. You may can redo the outlines to fit your schedule or add your organization's logo, customize the promotional e-brochure with your dates and times, reorganize the sessions to present them in a different format, or add new sessions that you create. The only things the Open Source license does not allow are giving away or reselling the Presenter materials, removing the author attribution or translating the materials without permission.
On your purchase, you'll receiving an e-mail with access instructions. This product is hosted on our Encountering Jesus Community (Mighty Networks) and this resource can be accessed on your computer or on your smartphone through the Mighty Networks app. Once you purchase the product, you'll also also receive free access to the community.
PowerPoint Presentation
This package includes a professional, 50-slide PowerPoint presentation with animated diagrams, beautiful photos and exercise instructions to leave on screen when participants are working with their team. A sample slide is at right.
Recommended Resources
These resources supplement the Presenter's Package or provide valuable background on the concepts it covers:
- Questions for Jesus by Tony Stoltzfus: the book this course is built around. While it is not required, having copies of the book available can help people apply what they learn after the workshop and greatly increase your success.
- The Questions for Jesus Mobile App is a great way for busy people to learn to pray their desires. Available free for iPhone or Android.
Desire Discovery Cards: A deck of playing cards with the 16 desires and 16 emotions, used to help people unpack and drill down to desires.
Table of Contents
Session List
- Questions for Jesus: what desires are and how to pray them
- Questions Principles: five simple guidelines for praying your desire
- Day Two Welcome and Testimonies (Optional)
- Desires in James | Crafting Desire Prayers: the biblical foundation for praying your desires, and an exercise to expand your prayer vocabulary
- The Heart Model: Explaining how the heart works and the role of desire in change
- Drilling Down to Desire: a quick way to identify the desire that is driving you
- Drilling Down Practice: Identifying your desires and taking them to Jesus
- Touching Jesus' Desire: You can fulfill the longing of the Son of God
- Wrap-up: debriefing on your experience
Reader Feedback
"I had an excellent, rational, intellectual relationship with God--and I was bored. This has given me a whole new way to relate to him."
"I'm so excited! I just want to share what God did today... I prayed with one person using steps you've taught us. And deep wounds from her childhood were touched, and she's in the healing process. It is amazing, because I know her and what she was struggle with. Amazing, amazing, amazing! ."
"...a boy about 11 yrs. old stepped in... I explained that he could hear from Jesus any time, too (they were a Christian family). I told him to ask Jesus "What do you love about me today?" Immediately he got a big smile on his face and said that Jesus loved how he was spending time with his family today. I told him how it was just that easy Jesus whenever he wanted to. It was so fun to see him realize that it was that easy to hear from Jesus."
From England
"...I have never thought of asking Jesus the kinds of questions you've encouraged [me to ask]. For someone who LOVES to ask questions, this has been a wonderful way to enter into deeper intimacy with The Trinity, myself and with my clients! We have laughed and cried together over His answers...AMAZING!"
A construction worker came to the microphone. "I've been telling God for the last year, 'I don't want you to talk to me. And I don't want to talk to you.'" Then he choked up for a moment, and tears began running down his face. "It's so good to be connected again."