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Tony Stoltzfus

Calling Discovery Workshop | Presenter's Package (Download)

Calling Discovery Workshop | Presenter's Package (Download)

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Complete Presenter's Package with PowerPoints--Electronic Download

The Calling Discovery Workshop Presenter's Package is composed of eight interactive sessions, with Power Points, that will guide your church or team to discover the purpose of their lives. Over the course of The Calling Discovery Workshop your group will learn what a calling is, what misconceptions exist surrounding callings, their personal life messages, and more. Together you will create a Revelation Journal, and profile the audience you are called to reach. This course assists people in not only discovering but also clearly articulating God's call on their lives. Built around A Leader's Life Purpose by well-known life coach Tony Stoltzfus, this course culminates in the creation of a personal life purpose statement.

This Presenter's Package includes everything you need to offer the course:

  • Complete Presenter's Outlines with explanatory comments, keyed to the Workbook
  • A 55-slide animated PowerPoint presentation
  • A customizable, color E-Brochure for promoting your course

Open Source

Open Source means you can freely use these materials in your organization, with your trainers, and you can freely modify them to fit your needs, all without paying any royalties beyond the price of the outlines. For instance, you can redo the outlines to fit your schedule, add your organization's logo, customize the promotional e-brochure with your dates and times, reorganize the sessions to present them in a different format, or add new sessions that you create. The only things you can't do are giveaway or resell the outlines themselves, remove the author attribution or the required books, or translate the materials into another language without permission.

Power Points

Sample Powerpoint Screen

This package includes a slick, 55-slide PowerPoint presentation with animated diagrams, great photos and exercise instructions to leave on screen when participants are working with their peer. A sample slide is at right.

Presenter Qualifications

Because the presenter needs to demonstrate each of the key skills, you'll be most successful if you already have some life coach training or are a certified coach. If you aren't comfortable offering it on your own, contact us at and we can connect you with a professional coach/trainer you can bring in to offer the workshop.  

Recommended Resources

If you'd like additional background material on the concepts covered in the course, here are some additional resources presenters will find useful:
  • Leadership Coaching by Tony Stoltzfus: An in-depth treatment of the basic conversational skills in the coaching approach
  • Christian Life Coaching Handbook: A companion volume to the Workbook with a wealth of dialogues, examples, coaching tips and more to help you use the Workbook effectively. This book is strongly recommended for presenters.
  • The Calling Journey: An insightful look at how calling develops over a lifetime and the stages we go through on the road to our call. Includes tools for building your own calling timeline.

Table of Contents

Session List
  1. What is My Calling and How Do I Know It?
  2. The Revelation Journal
  3. Calling Patterns from Suffering
  4. Doing and Being Calls - Life Messages
  5. The Message>Audience>Impact>Task Framework
  6. Defining Your Impact
  7. Find the Role that Fits
  8. Creating a Life Purpose Statement

About the Author

Tony Stoltzfus lives in Redding, CA with his wife Kathy, and they have two adult children together. A long-time coach, Tony has authored 11 books, on coaching including Coaching Questions, a best seller. Co-Founder of two coaching schools, Tony has trained over a thousand coaches, and is the founder of MetaFormation. Known for an interactive, innovative training and writing style, Tony teaches leaders to engage the heart by coaching through the emotional brain, to touch the deep desires that drive behaviors. Tony has written training materials and courses used around the world.

Reader Feedback

"I just facilitated the workshop this last weekend and there was a tremendous response to both the material AND future workshops... The response was amazing, and everyone was blown away by the material and the grasp they now have on their life purpose. One of the greatest feedback comments I heard over and over was how much the "misconceptions" clarified things for them and set them at ease."