Here, in five simple points, are the reasons to coach and be coached. Most coaches are familiar with these points from personal experience with our clients and in our own lives.When talking to someone who is unfamiliar with coaching, these points are a great tool to explain the significant benefits of coaching. Introduce an overview of the five points, then give examples from your personal experience. Focus your attention on the points that specifically relate to the person you are speaking with, i.e. point four, developing leaders around you, might not be relevant to someone who is not in a position of influence over other leaders.
1.Experience More Transformation Make radical changes in your own life and see more lasting change in others.
2.Grow Faster/Get More Done Accelerate the pace of change and accomplish more without overload.
3.Unleash People Stop creating dependence and free up your time by empowering others to take action.
4.Develop Leaders Invest more effectively and efficiently in leaders around you to multiply your impact.
5.Improve Interpersonal Skills Coaching provides great tools for building deep relationships and having extraordinary conversations.
Tony Stoltzfus is an author, leadership coach, master coach trainer and director of the Leadership Metaformation Institute. Additional information on this topic can be found in Tony’s book,Leadership Coaching.