Complete Presenter's Package with Power Points & Promo Materials
Electronic Download
Mapping Your Calling Timeline is an interactive destiny workshop, a perfect tool for coaches who want to offer courses or training on life purpose to their church or organization. The Calling Journey timeline provides a road map to your call, charting your progress toward your purpose and helping you see how everything in life prepares you for your destiny. The stages and transitions along the road are the same ones traveled by Moses, Joseph and Paul.
On your purchase, you'll receiving an e-mail with access instructions. This product is hosted on our Encountering Jesus Community (Mighty Networks) and this resource can be accessed on your computer or on your smartphone through the Mighty Networks app. Once you purchase the product, you'll also also receive free access to the community.
Learning Outcomes
In Mapping Your Calling Timeline, created by Master Coach Tony Stoltzfus, participants will:
- Learn the universal calling stages and valleys
- See how the timeline plays out in the stories of biblical leaders
- Create their own personal calling timeline
- Understand their current calling season and hear how others experienced it
- Make a plan to lean into what God is doing in their stage
What's Included
This Presenter's Package includes everything you need to offer the course:
- Comprehensive Presenter's Outlines indexed to The Calling Journey book
- A Presenter's Guide that shows how to manage and market a top-notch workshop
- An excellent 52-slide PowerPoint presentation you can customize
- A customizable, color e-flyer for promoting your course
Open Source Format
Mapping Your Calling Timeline is offered in an Open Source format, meaning you can freely modify it to fit your needs, and no royalties or additional per-use fees are due. You only pay the price of the outlines and for books for participants. More information on the license is provided in the Session Outlines.
For instance, you can redo the outlines to fit your schedule, add your organization's logo, customize the promotional e-brochure with your dates and times, reorganize the sessions to present them in a different format, or add new sessions that you create. The only things you can't do are give away or resell the outlines themselves, use them without the required books or translate the materials into another language without permission.
This package includes a slick, 52-slide PowerPoint presentation with animated diagrams, photos and exercise instructions for use in the individual and peer exercises.
Presenter Qualifications
You'll be most successful if you already have some life coach training or are a certified coach. If you aren't comfortable offering the workshop on your own, contact to connect with a professional coach/trainer you can bring in to offer the workshop.
Recommended Resources
If you'd like additional background material on the concepts covered in the course, here are some additional resources presenters will find useful:
- The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus: An in-depth treatment of the timeline, with a plethora of stories, biblical timelines and examples.
- Christian Life Coaching Handbook: This companion volume to the The Calling Journey covers the process of discovering and clarifying one's call.
- The Calling Journey Website includes a free timeline builder application and basic info on the timeline stages.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Calling Timelines
- Identifying Calling Transitions
- Shifting Paradigms, Building Timelines
- Exploring Your Timeline
- What is God doing in Your Timeline?
- Creating an Action Plan
Reader Feedback
"Thanks again for the workshop ... I really enjoyed it. One thing I thought was really great was how practical the tool is. I look forward to using it with students. It will bring such clarification to so many students who need to make sense of their season..."