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Tony Stoltzfus

Level II Coach Training Intensive | Presenter's Package v2.0 (Download)

Level II Coach Training Intensive | Presenter's Package v2.0 (Download)

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Level II Coach Training Intensive v2.0

Complete Presenter's Package with PowerPoint--Electronic Download

Prerequisites: Introductory Level I Coach Training Course, such as Getting Started in Leadership Coaching, or Peer Coach Training plus reading Leadership Coaching.
Training Hours: 15 hrs.
Course Level: Level II (Intermediate)
Presenter Skill Level: Advanced


Level II Coach Training Intensive by Tony Stoltzfus is an Open Source Christian coach training course outline. It is designed as the second step in your coach training curriculum. While introductory coaching courses are a great start, they don't provide the in-depth practice time trainees need to feel ready to go out and coach with confidence. If you are creating a basic training program for Christian small group coaches, missions' coaches, or internal coaches for your ministry or organization, the combination of a Level I and Level II course is the minimum training most people need to reach proficiency with basic coaching skills. Follow Level II Coach Training Intensive with a Level III and Level IV course, and your coaches will be fully trained to professional standards.

Open Source

Open Source means you can freely use these materials to train coaches in your organization, with your trainers, and you can freely modify them to fit your needs. For instance, you can redo the outlines to fit your needs, add your organization's logo, customize the promotional e-brochure with your dates and times, reorganize the sessions to present in a classroom format, or add new sessions that you create. The only things you can't do are give away or resell the outlines themselves, remove the author attribution or the required books, or translate the materials into another language without permission.

Session List

Since the purpose of Level II Coach Training Intensive is practice with feedback, participants should have been exposed to these concepts in an introductory coaching course. The Level II training provides the practice time trainees need in these skills to attain proficiency. The workshop sessions are listed below:


  1. Building Authentic Coaching Relationships
  2. The Coaching Agenda and Wheel of Life
  3. Creating a Coaching Goal
  4. Probing Questions Practice
  5. Listening for Significance
  6. Ideal Future (Options Technique)
  7. Five Options Technique
  8. Creating Action Steps and Equivocation
  9. Coaching Practice (Full Conversational Model)
  10. Three Types of Affirmation
  11. Coaching Practice II (Full Conversational Model)
  12. Workshop Debriefing

How It's Been Used

One denomination in Canada has taken over 300 pastors through this process. They feel it has been "the biggest bang for the buck of anything we've ever done" for leadership training. A fun video they posted about their experience is below.


Open source courses have been used to train missionaries as coaches, train teams, offer introductory tele-classes and more! 

Presenter Qualifications

Because the presenter needs to demonstrate each of the key skills, this course calls for advanced presenter skills. We recommend that you have a coaching certification or coach trainer credentials to teach this course. If you aren't comfortable offering it on your own, contact and we can connect you with a professional coach trainer you can bring in to teach the course.

Recommended Resources

If you'd like additional background material on the concepts covered in the course, here are some additional resources presenters may find useful:

What People Are Saying

"Thank you so much. It was great to be a part of the Coach Training Level II ... there were amazing things happening in the lives of many gathered for these sessions this week.  Bless you for... allowing God to deposit in us the confidence to help others by implementing the coaching tools we have learned."

"Coaching really came to life for me with the extended practice sessions. In fact, on Wednesday I had a meeting and was able to utilize a lot of the stuff learned from the Tuesday evening session. It was awesome! This person came into my office concerned about someone else in leadership and by the end of our time we were dealing with the core issues of her own heart."

"...I came with high expectations for the workshop on the 13th. [It] surpassed my expectations and I left with a number of tangible tools that I've already begun using in my discipleship group and even in personal conversations."

"It was a great retreat! In all the retreats I've been a part of I don't think there has been 100% engagement by everyone and 100% embracing of coaching like there was these last two days. Every participant mentioned that they made headway on their life wheel agenda. Almost all of them were able to take each other through the coaching funnel from beginning to end - it was quite moving. As I interacted with each at mealtime there is a great desire to implement coaching in their context and some were demonstrating creative ways of doing it."
Level II Training Presenter

Video Review

Table of Contents

Session List

  1. Building Authentic Coaching Relationships
  2. The Coaching Agenda and Wheel of Life
  3. Creating a Coaching Goal
  4. Probing Questions Practice
  5. Listening for Significance
  6. Ideal Future (Options Technique)
  7. Five Options Technique
  8. Creating Action Steps and Equivocation
  9. Coaching Practice (Full Conversational Model)
  10. Three Types of Affirmation
  11. Coaching Practice II (Full Conversational Model)
  12. Workshop Debriefing

About the Author

Tony Stoltzfus is a master coach and trainer, and author of 10 books. Tony experienced deep suffering and betrayal in his own life but managed to find Jesus in the midst of it all - now, he helps leaders become aware of their own hearts and find life by meeting Jesus there.