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Tony Stoltzfus

Coaching Questions: A Coach's Guide to Powerful Asking Skills

Coaching Questions: A Coach's Guide to Powerful Asking Skills

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100 pages, Large Format, Ring bound for easy daily referencing!

Read "Decision-Making Tools"

Are you looking to hone your asking skills with the help of a master coach? Coaching Questions is the best-selling asking resource for coaches in training as well as seasoned professionals. This comprehensive toolkit is a treasure trove of great asking tools, models and exercises covering everything from conversational models to options and obstacles as well as advanced asking skills like reframing, tolerations and decision strategies. Each questioning method is described and illustrated with examples (over 1,000 in all), asking tips and practice exercises. Coaching Questions is a reference guide you'll turn to again and again.

A Book You'll Really Use

Coaching Questions is designed as a reference guide for practicing coaches and coaches in training. The book is arranged around particular asking techniques used at different points in the coaching conversation. Each technique is described, illustrated with example questions, and often includes an additional hints and tips or practice exercises to help you make the most of that skill. All this is condensed into one or two pages for each tool for quick reference.

This book is a godsend for beginners or coaches in training, who often struggle to come up with the right thing to ask. Simply take a minute or two to review the technique or conversational model you will be using, close the book and start coaching. You'll coach with greater confidence, effectiveness, and master the art of asking faster.

Practicing coaches will find a wealth of new tools and new twists on old ways of asking. It is amazing what you can learn by looking at the way others ask. And if you find yourself coaching an unfamiliar area, Coaching Questions includes sample tools for a dozen different coaching niches.

Coaching Questions: A Coach's Guide to Powerful Asking Skills includes:

  • The top ten asking mistakes coaches make, and how to correct each one
  • Nearly 1200 examples of powerful questions from real coaching situations
  • Destiny discovery tools organized in a four-part life-purpose model that includes passion, design, experience and calling
  • Overviews of 15 popular coaching niches, with a tool and examples for each
  • A schedule of training exercises to help you become a "Master of Asking"

Video Review

Table of Contents

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About the Author

Tony Stoltzfus is a long-time coach, author of 20 coaching books, including the best-selling Coaching Questions. He has co-founded two coaching schools and trained over a thousand coaches. As founder of MetaFormation, Tony teaches leaders to engage the heart by coaching through the emotional brain to touch the deep desires that drive behavior. Known for his interactive, innovative training and writing style, Tony has written courses and training materials used around the world. He lives in Redding, CA with his wife Kathy. They have two adult children.

Reader Feedback

"The Questions Book is awesome! I am running through it now and then it gets me thinking and aligns my thoughts... [in the way] I need to be in with a client. Tony, you are truly gifted!

"I am extremely impressed with the content of Tony's new book which I received yesterday."

"I just got your 'Coaching Questions' and it is an amazing book... It will be very helpful."

"GREAT Coaching Questions book. VERY helpful!"


"Dude, that Coaching Questions book is awesome! I'm sure I will use it incessantly."

"I received Coaching Questions in the mail yesterday! It resonates so well with where I am. I am recommending it to others."

"I'm not a professional coach... As such, I wasn't sure how the book would impact me, but I figured that it's always good to have a few new questions in one's arsenal, so I thought I would give it a try... It amazed me how immediately useful the information was. This book is fantastic in its ability to get you to think about the questions that you ask when you meet with people.

I'm talking about thinking over the types of questions you ask and how you ask them, and then, thinking about how to catch yourself in mid-sentence when asking a closed question to turn it around to be open.

I have also used, and continue to use, more creative questions when I'm discipling, which in turn leads me to better know the people I serve. I wouldn't say this about most books, but "Coaching Questions" would be a great book to get whether you are a coach, pastor, or just a plain ol' guy like me!