What Causes Fulfillment?
Fulfillment is what makes an experience (or a life!) truly satisfying. Ultimate fulfillment is connected to eternal rewards. What causes fulfillment? Here are nine ingredients of fulfillment, stated in terms of eternal rewards:
Approval We will hear “Well done!” pronounced over our lives by our Creator, the one who has the last word. We will know we have made something great of our lives.
Recognition Those you’ve helped in this life will welcome you to eternity with full honor and thanks. God’s reward system includes recognition from peers.
Accomplishment The great task is truly over, the victory is complete. You’ve fought the fight and finished the race, and know beyond doubt that it’s all been worth it.
Significance We are an important part of a much larger story—God’s purposes in history—that is of ultimate value.
Celebration We’re going to have the biggest, longest party ever, and celebrate both what we’ve already done and the arrival of a future that is better than we could ever have dreamed.
Sacrifice Rewarded We have invested everything in this Kingdom, and we’ll see the fruit of our sufferings and be satisfied. Suffering for something makes the reward sweeter.
Legacy What we have built with our lives will last, and be known and celebrated forever. Time will never dim it—we’ll have an eternal share in the Father’s glory.
Intimacy Our marriage into the family of God is consummated. We will enjoy being fully known, fully intimate, fully loved and able to love in the greatest relationship ever.
Contentment Fulfillment means we will be full and complete, lacking in nothing. There will be no more mourning, crying or pain, but only perfect contentment.
A pioneer in Christian leadership coaching, Tony Stoltzfus has trained thousands of coaches, founded several leadership- and coaching schools and created a wide range of leadership resources used around the world.