
Best Seller

Questions for Jesus: Conversational Prayer Around Your Deepest Desires

135 pages, softcover
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The Secret of Change

Want to bring encounters with God into your coaching conversations--and into your day-to-day relationship with Jesus? Questions for Jesus intro duces you to a powerful method of praying about your connection to Jesus instead of your service for him. It's letting go of talking to Jesus about the business of being a Christian ("what should I do for God?") and replacing it with a lovers' conversation about us ("Who are you, Jesus, and what do you love in me?") Questions for Jesus will embark you on a journey of learning how to pray from the deepest desires of your heart--and hear the deepest desires of Jesus' heart in return.

In the model of the heart developed by MetaFormation (where the deepest levels of the heart are Identity and Desire), our most powerful behaviors and strongest giants are powered by unmet desires within us--desires for things like love, belonging, justice or significance. These are good desires placed in us by God and designed to draw us to him, that are designed to be filled within relationship to Jesus. The key to lasting change is not disciplining or denying these deep desires, but letting Jesus fill them with himself. Questions for Jesus shows you how to do just that.

Written in a devotional format, Questions for Jesus examines every place in the book of Matthew where Jesus spoke to the deepest desires of those he met along the road. Each of the 52 meditations connects you with the desire in the passage, then offers five powerful, heart-level questions that will help you connect to Jesus' heart in that situation and receive what your heart most longs to hear.

Written by a master coach (and author of the best-selling book Coaching Questions), this book will help make your prayer life into a two way conversation about what you care most about.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ..............................................................5
  1. How to Use This Book ...........................................11
  2. Devotionals .............................................................13
  3. Construct Your Own Desire Prayers .......................18
  4. Obstacles ..................................................................28
  5. Types of Desire Prayers ............................................43
  6. Additional Resources for Touching Desires ...........125
  7. Desire Index ............................................................127

About the Author

Tony Stoltzfus is a master coach and trainer, author of 11 books and an expert on the ways of God with the human heart. After experiencing deep suffering and betrayal in his own life, and meeting Jesus in it, he helps leaders become aware of their own hearts and find life in meeting Jesus there. 

Reader Feedback

A friend of mine gave me your book "Questions for Jesus". I have been in it for quite a while as I take one question a day to meditate and converse with Jesus. I am so thankful for the breakthroughs I have had with the Lord as a result. The conversations Jesus and I have had are life-changing, all as a result of your book.

"I began to hear His voice in a new way. Not just the voice of correction... the voice of approval."

"I am seeing from Daddy's eyes and not my own or what people have said about me."

"I asked God what he has for me and He said, "Jet fuel!" This was soooooo cool - it was totally not what I was expecting God to say. I was thinking, like, love or peace or the typical--but JET FUEL? Come on! I'm about to take off...thank you Jesus!"
Sr. Pastor

"The prayer model of asking God emotionally-based questions was truly revolutionary and I had a number of experiences where his answer was truly transformational."
Worship Leader

"I saw Jesus pick up all my pain, put it on his hip like a mother carrying a child, and then carry it as he continued to love and father me. Now I can trust him for all my life in every event. [Later I discovered the scripture], "Your sons will come from afar and your daughters shall be carried on the hip" (Is. 60:4).

Jesus is much more tangible and real in my life!