
The Questions for Jesus Videos (Streaming)

The companion to the Questions for Jesus Group Guide 
Check out the course here and preview the first lesson for free

With this streaming video series and the Group Guide you can offer a Questions for Jesus course to your group or organization and launch people on the journey of hearing Jesus speak to their deepest desires and beliefs. Based on the ground-breaking Questions for Jesus book by Tony Stoltzfus, these videos with The Questions for Jesus Group Guide offer everything you need as the Facilitator to run the course.

Course Details

The course is designed around eight weekly group sessions. Each session features a testimony time for participants to share what Jesus spoke to them during the week, a short teaching or demo from the DVD, and practice exercises that will get people coaching each other, praying their desires and hearing God's voice. Designed to be done in teams, the groups of four you form at the workshop will provide support and encouragement as you explore this new type of conversation with Jesus. Many teams value that experience so much that they continue to meet long after the eight weeks of group sessions are over!

Participant Materials

Each course participant will also need a copy of the book, Questions for Jesus, while one deck of Desire Discovery Cards is required for each table of four participants. 

Open Source

This course is offered in an Open Source format that lets you train royalty free and freely modify the outlines and PowerPoints to fit your needs. For instance, you can customize the promotional e-brochure, reorganize the outline, or add and delete PowerPoint slides to suit. (The full license and the basic restrictions are found at the front of the outlines.)

Recommended Resources

These resources are meant to be used with the DVD set or provide background information on the skills and concepts it covers:
  • Questions for Jesus by Tony Stoltzfus is the original book this course is based on.
  • The Questions for Jesus Group Guide includes the outlines, handouts and PowerPoints that go with this DVD
  • The Desire Discovery Cards are a playing-card-sized deck with cards for the 16 desires and 16 emotions, used to help people talk freely about their feelings and desires.
  • The Invitation is an in-depth guide to the workings of the heart and the place our desires play in shaping human behavior.
  • The MetaFormation Module 1: Encounter course provides in-depth training on praying your desires and coaching the heart.

Table of Contents

Session List

  1. Building an Atmosphere
  2. Jeremiah's Experiment
  3. The Emotional Brain
  4. Drilling Down to Desire
  5. Desires within Dreams
  6. Constructing Desire Prayers
  7. Desires and Change
  8. Going Forward
  9. Additional Resources

About the Author

Tony Stoltzfus is the author of numerous books and courses on coaching and leadership, and his Questions for Jesus materials first introduced the Encounter Coaching method of praying your desire. He is known for his innovative, interactive and authentic training style.