
Impact of Life Coaching

impact of Life CoachingWe spoke in the last blog about the role life coaching plays in helping us find and focus on our ultimate purpose. So what practical difference does the impact of life coaching make? Here are seven practical benefits life coaching clients receive:

Understand your life purpose:Produces a sense of meaning and significance, provides foundation for making great life decisions, and offers direction for how to live a purposeful life.

Align with core values: Increases life satisfaction, reduces stress and frustration as you do what’s important instead of what’s expected or what life thrusts upon you.

Eliminate tolerations: Frees energy to pursue important goals in life, while increasing your joy on the journey.

Identify and overcome internal obstacles: Gets you unstuck and moving forward, and provides the freedom you’ve always wanted from nagging fears and self-doubt.

Create life purpose action plans: Creates real movement toward your life purpose, with the sense that your life is going somewhere.

Clarity on God’s call: Greater obedience to your lord, intimacy in your relationship with him, and impact for the Kingdom of God.

God’s guiding hand in your life revealed: Produces wonder, love and worship for your Creator.

Sometimes the best answer to “Why should I have a life coach?” is your personal story. What has been the impact of life coaching for you? Here’s an example of a coach sharing how he was impacted by being coached through a major life transition:

“In the end, I pulled the trigger on coaching because I have never faced such a critical decision-making time in my life, and I didn’t want to miss any opportunity to hear from God and tune into what He was doing in me and through me . . . Coaching costs time, money and effort, but the results have been priceless. Not only do I have someone in my corner who believes in who I am, but one who is empowered to challenge me to think outside the box in order to walk in step with God in the destiny for which he has created me.”

Tony Stoltzfus is a master coach, author and coach trainer and director of the Leadership Metaformation Institute. A presentation of a thorough, practical toolkit for coaching Christian leaders to discover their identity can be found in his book the Christian Life Coaching Handbook.